What is Alien Shiba Inu (ASHIB)? Is it a good investment ?
The cryptocurrency market is full of uncertainties. Probably no one can predict, or even logically guess, how the price of a particular coin may move. However, even in such situations, there is always a little known coin that gets the attention.
The price of a coin named Alien Shiba Inu has increased by 1900% in 24 hours, according to CoinMarketCap data at the time of writing this report. This means, if a person had invested $1000 in ASHIB, it would have grown to almost $20,000 in a day!
Alien Shiba Inu is working on three flagship utility projects: an NFT character collection for play to earn gaming, an decentralized exchange (DEX) and merchandise marketplace called AlienShibaInuCrew. ASHIB is targetting investors who may have missed the bull run of famous dog-themed coins like SHIBA Inu.
Should you invest in ASHIB?
Beware, if you are thinking to make money from the ASHIB rally. There are several reasons. First, very little information is available about this coin. Second, it is ranked 3356 in terms of market capitalisation. No crypto expert would ever advise you to risk your money in such a lowly ranked coin. Third, it is not available on popular exchanges, and certainly not on any Indian crypto exchange.